

“Faith-based travel can be a life-transformational experience for those who take these journeys. And according to neuroscience, our brains retain and use information that is personally experienced, better than when we read a book or watch a video.  The McCarthys have assembled the book that helps you do it all, including preparation, highlight descriptions of significant sites in the world and agenda recommendations. Highly recommended.”

– John Townsend, Ph.D.

New York Times bestselling author of Boundaries
Founder of the Townsend Institute for Leadership and Counseling

“This book is what every Christian should take with them when traveling to places of religious historical significance.  An appreciation of what Christians did and sacrificed before us could exhort us all to be similarly faithful.”

– Brad Dacus

Founder & President, Pacific Justice Institute

“To suggest that Rick and Susan McCarthy are a dynamic duo would be a massive understatement. Not only are they the most qualified couple on the planet to write this book, they have also done an outstanding job. If you want to transform your travel from consumption to Kingdom impact, look no further. ‘Defining Moments’ will absolutely get you there. “

– Dane Sanders

Author and Founder at Fastermind.co


“Rick & Susan McCarthy again go deeper with Kingdom expansion into various subjects and fields which others do not consider. Transformation is the only byproduct Rick seeks to cultivate in the endeavors where God leads him. This latest guide only exemplifies how taking a rather routine platform such as travel, and applying it into the Christian world, leads to another level of understanding and enrichment.”

– Jason Brown

Marketplace Chaplains

“Thanks for doing this great work! Kim and I have raised our kids with the philosophy of “getting out of the bubble”, seeking every opportunity to bring them to the mission field to engage the world that God has called us to serve in.  This work gives great insights into how to do this for everyone. I believe that this book will be a great help to everyone who wants to see God transform their life by seeing His work in the world & will make people more equipped to serve God, being His agents of change.”

– Carl A. Moeller

Former CEO, Biblica

“‘Defining Moments’ is a revelational read. Literally. It breathes life into travel in ways that bring a deeper meaning and purpose to the experience. Page after page, it will help drive what we know to be true in our faith deeper down into our Spirit, turning the locations you travel to into lasting spiritual transformation.”

– Dean Del Sesto

CEO, Breviti Marketing
Author of Shift Your Thinking


“Tired of just another cruise or exotic destination only for fun? Seen most of the world but missed the spiritual side of the ledger? Want to make your next travel experience Kingdom-focused? My friends, Rick and Susan McCarthy, were tired of the “next exotic destination” too, so they did something about it. They have traveled to 70+ countries and, after hundreds of thousands of miles, they have now captured their learnings into a comprehensive faith-based travel guide, like Fodor’s and Lonely Planet for travel with a purpose. You will find out where you can go, what to expect, what to read ahead of time, how to create deep bonding for your travel team in advance, what to pack, how to pray and much more, including daily devotionals, archaeological and Biblical guides, and suggested songs to sing at each site! Rick and Susan have created a step-by-step, nothing left out guide for you to turn everyday travel into missional-focused, life-changing travel including Israel, Greece, Turkey, the Reformation and short-term mission trips.  I highly recommend it!”

– Greg Leith

CEO, Convene


“Most people come back from travel dragging bags and scrolling photos - on their mobile device - with no compelling narrative to share with friends and family. Trips are forgotten before the boarding passes for the next journey are printed. Rick and Susan McCarthy aren't from that tribe of travelers: they've gone to places rich in spiritual history, and allowed themselves to be impacted by the settings that were backdrops for great moments in God's story. Allow them to take you along in those itineraries, and coach you in finding the rich meaning that awaits the pilgrim who is looking for more!”

– Bob Shank

Founder, The Master’s Program
Co-Founder, The Barnabas Group
Author of Life Mastery, Total Life Management & Full Time


Every once in a while someone writes a book solely out of the interest of those they write it for. In writing “Defining Moments: The Transformational Possibilities of Faith-Based Travel”, Rick & Susan McCarthy have set out to accomplish several goals ; to encourage people to take faith-based vacations and turn them into defining moments that will shape their lives forever, to help people see the real possibility of not just having their heads filled with facts regarding a vacation spot but to have their hearts shifted and changed in ways they never imagined, to learn the practical ways of meeting God in powerful and personal ways that will restore, revive, and re-energize their faith, and finally to inform people of the important places in Christian history so they can be can strengthened and inspired in their faith.

I have traveled around the world, led trips to Israel using such defining moments teachings, and have been on a faith-based trip that was led by Rick & Susan to Greece and Turkey in the Footsteps of Paul. Their passion for their faith, knowledge of Christian history and commitment to life transformation is why they wrote this book. I would highly recommend this book and the clear direction it gives for you to plan and execute a faith-based trip of your own. The defining moments they include are intended to move you to a discovery method of learning, rather than simply a teaching method that so many tour guides and pastors use. If you want to plan a trip of a lifetime that will impact your family, friends, believers and non-believers alike, then I heartily encourage you to pick up and read “Defining Moments: the Transformational Possibilities of Faith-Based Travel”.

– Eric Heard

Pastor of Stewardship and Marriage Ministry, Mariners Church


“So many of us check our spiritual disciplines at the door when we travel.  We rarely visit distant churches, often do not take time to read our Bible, and mostly fill our time with self-indulgence.  Defining Moments will create a sea-change in how you approach your travels.  Refueling your spiritual tank is as important as satisfying your physical rest needs.  This book does such a fantastic job of making the pursuit of Christ on your vacation interesting, fun and valuable.  You will never approach time on vacation the same way again.”

– Tony Ferraro

Founder/CEO of Twubs.com
Author of Killing Cows & How to Avoid Leadership Suicide
Strategist & Speaker

“As a Bible student, travel buff and one who stops at all historical markers along the road, this book hits all of my buttons. The McCarthys have compiled a tool to be used to both increase the head knowledge of these sites, but also my heart knowledge, as I journal and pray specifically at each location. Can’t wait to plan my next trip using this book!”

– Becky Turner

National Managing Partner, The Barnabas Group

“I have been to Israel a number of times, and know that the stories of Bible heroes take on a new twist when we stand in their shoes and listen for God’s revelation for us.  This book takes that experience a step farther and sets the stage for you to apply those same ‘aha’ moments with God to your own life- while standing in the very spot that those Biblical figures once tread.  Just invite the Holy Spirit into the experience, and be prepared for a life-changing interaction.”

– Bill Butterworth

Keynote Speaker to Fortune 500 companies & professional sports teams
Author of 36 books, including Building Successful Teams & Everyday Influence
Coach; Ghostwriter
Founder, Butterworth Communicators Institute


“Even armchair travelers can be transported through this book to experience the Bible in a whole new way.  After exploring the historical backgrounds of our favorite Bible stories, the McCarthys invite us to a time and place where we experience a parallel conversation of what God may have to speak over our own lives.  This conversation can be especially powerful for small groups, as such conversations will empower transformational discoveries -- all without ever leaving your living room!”

– Christopher McCluskey

Best-selling Author
Podcast host
Founder/President of Professional Christian Coaching Institute


“‘Defining Moments’ is essential to throw in your backpack when making the journey of a lifetime. This resource will turn vacation travel into pilgrimage by going behind the facts of each location to the stories and spiritual revelations forever embedded in these spiritually historic places."

– Gabe Lyons

Founder of Q Ideas
Author, Good Faith