“Faith-based travel can be a life-transformational experience for those who take these journeys.”

– John Townsend, PhD New York Times best-selling author

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Buy this book to turn your next vacation into an experience with God.

Travel – the one thing that makes you richer after you pay for it.


You are going to travel halfway around the world. DO NOT STOP THERE! The most important part of the journey is that last twelve inches from your head to your heart.

Invite the Holy Spirit along on your travels, as you read and learn with your head, and then listen and apply with your heart.



  • where you can go, what to expect, what to read ahead of time

  • how to create deep bonding for your travel team before, during and after your shared adventure

  • how to pray, including daily devotionals, archaeological and Biblical guides, and suggested songs to sing at each site

For you armchair travelers, this book offers a rich combination of history book, Bible study and life-application opportunity.


Watch the Bible and its history come alive as real people in real places with real meaning for your life today.

“A step-by-step, nothing-left-out guide for you to turn everyday travel into missional-focused, life-changing travel including Israel, Greece, Turkey, the Reformation and short-term mission trips. I highly recommend it!

Greg Leith, CEO, Convene

What People Are Saying


“Defining Moments” is essential to throw in your backpack when making the journey of a lifetime. This resource will turn vacation travel into pilgrimage by going behind the facts of each location to the stories and spiritual revelations forever embedded in these spiritually historic places.

— Gabe Lyons

Founder of Q Ideas & Author of Good Faith

Rick & Susan McCarthy again go deeper with Kingdom expansion into various subjects and fields which others do not consider. Transformation is the only byproduct Rick seeks to cultivate in the endeavors where God leads him. This latest guide only exemplifies how taking a rather routine platform such as travel, and applying it into the Christian world, leads to another level of understanding and enrichment.

— Jason Brown

Marketplace Chaplains

As a Bible student, travel buff and one who stops at all historical markers along the road, this book hits all of my buttons. The McCarthy’s have compiled a tool to be used to both increase the head knowledge of these sites, but also my heart knowledge, as I journal and pray specifically at each location. Can’t wait to plan my next trip using this book!

— Becky Turner

National Managing Partner, The Barnabas Group


Meet the Authors

Rick and Susan McCarthy have a deep love of the Lord, each other (he always calls her his “bride” and gets her door) and traveling together. Rick has traveled to over 80 countries and Susan to over 70 countries . . . so far. They travel about 140 days each year together for pleasure and ministry (which is also quite pleasurable to them), none for business, including serving biannually with Un Jour Nouveau in eastern D.R. Congo.